INSTRUCTION – Please see the readings and resources regarding the poster.  Please graph your data. Follow Rubric carefully, Use the reading to complete the poster.

Please i have attached two examples that can be used as a guide to complete the assignment, this assignment will be checked for plagiarism, please this should be your own work.

I have attached  a template  and the reading to do the poster: blank poster template

DOWNLOAD on to your computer and begin to type into it.  You can enlarge the font. I would keep the font style all the same ( if Times Roman, keep all Times Roman). Think about graphing your data.  Check your APA. 

Main areas to include are  what was your PICOt,  what where the key components of the literature, what did you do,  what would you recommend as a change in practice, references. If you are in your last semester- you have earned the BSN logo- you can add this to your name at the top. 



5 points


4 points

Needs Improvement

2 points


1 point

Criterion Score

Criterion 1 Clinical Problem

PICOt well defined and presented clearly

PICOt had 1 element missing or incorrectly presented

PICOt had 2 elements missing or incorrectly presented

PICOt had more than 2 elements missing or incorrect

Score of Criterion 1 Clinical Problem,/ 5

Criterion 2 synthesis of Literature

A clear review of literature and how it was integrated within the project

A partial review of literature or had a few missing elements

Review of literature had several missing components.

view of literature was poor or ineffective

Score of Criterion 2 synthesis of Literature,/ 5

Criterion 3 Project Tangibles

Intervention(s) and outcome measurement(s) were clearly demonstrated

Intervention(s) or measurement(s) were clearly defined

Neither intervention(s) or outcome measurement(s) were clearly defined

Not included in presentation

Score of Criterion 3 Project Tangibles,/ 5

Criterion 4 Professional Appearance- APA; grammar; spelling

The presentation has an excellent layout with no APA, spelling or grammar errors

The presentation has 1-2 components misaligned or poorly presented.  Or 1-2 APA, spelling or grammar errors

The presentation has more than 2 elements out of alignment or missing. Or 2-3 APA, spelling or grammar errors

The presentation is sloppy with more than 3 APA, spelling or grammar errors.

Score of Criterion 4 Professional Appearance- APA; grammar; spelling,/ 5


Score of EBP project presentation rubric,/ 20

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