DNP850A Module 4- The Project Committee & Teleconference

Module 4- The Project Committee & Teleconference is an important point in the development of your capstone project. This module focuses on refining your project manuscript and ensuring the integration of practical experience hours. By this point, you should have a clear outline of both the “what” and the “how” of your project. This week focuses on the development of Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of your projects, as well as the identification and roles of your project team members. Additionally, you will engage in a teleconference to discuss and monitor the progress of your project.

DNP850A Module 4- The Project Committee & Teleconference Learning Activities

The learning activities for this module are designed to help you achieve specific objectives related to your DNP project. These activities include a lecture overview, reading materials, a journal quiz question, teleconference assignment, hours audit, and completion of committee forms. Each activity is crucial for your success in this module and overall project.

Module 4- The Project Committee & Teleconference Lecture Overview

The lecture for this week emphasizes the continued development of your project manuscript and practical experience. You should now have a general outline of the “what” and the “how” of your project. This week, you will continue to develop Chapters 1, 2, and 3 and clarify your work. Additionally, you will identify your project team members and define their roles in your DNP project.

InformationModule 4: Lecture OverviewContinue developing the project manuscript and practical experience.N/A

Reading Materials

The recommended reading materials for this module provide valuable insights and examples of successful DNP projects. These resources will help you understand the structure and expectations of a high-quality DNP project.

InformationModule 4: Learning Materials & Additional ResourcesAnderson, B.A., Knestrick, J.M, Barroso, R. (2014). DNP capstone projects: Exemplars of excellence in practice (1st ed.). Springer Publishing. ISBN: 9780826130259. Moran, K.J., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2019). The doctor of nursing practice project: A framework for Success (3rd ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 9781284156959N/A

Module 4- The Project Committee & Teleconference Discussion: Journal Quiz Question

The journal quiz question encourages you to reflect on your weekly activities and their relationship to your project. You will describe your progress towards completing this week’s expectations, discuss the connections between theory, application, and practice, and address the competencies outlined in the Essentials of Doctoral Education that you have focused on this week.

Learning ActivityModule 4: Discussion – Journal Quiz QuestionReflect on weekly activities and their relationship to your project. Minimum 250 words, no citation or APA style required.Graduate Discussion Rubric

Journal Quiz Response Expectations:

  • Minimum of 250 words
  • No citation, reference, or APA style required
  • Journal is in the Quiz area and not visible to other students

Learning Objectives:

  • UMBO: 2, 3
  • PLG: 3, 4
  • CLO: 2, 3

Assignment: Module 4- The Project Committee & Teleconference  

The teleconference assignment provides an opportunity for the faculty mentor to assess and monitor the immersion activities for appropriateness and approval. There must be a call during Modules 1, 4, & 8 in each DNP project course with the student, faculty mentor, and preceptor to establish and monitor ongoing objectives and expectations. The student will set up this call after gaining mutually available times with the faculty coordinator and preceptor. Teleconferences will be conducted via Bongo and recorded.

Learning ActivityModule 4: Assignment – TeleconferenceConduct a teleconference to discuss project progress. Summarize the conversation in a Word document.Graduate Teleconference

Module 4- The Project Committee & Teleconference Assignment Expectations

  • Summarize the conversation in a Word document
  • Describe who attended, objectives discussed, and strategies for accomplishing objectives
  • Include a link to the recording
  • Format in APA style with a title page, introduction, body, and conclusion
  • Length: 250-350 words
  • Save as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)
  • Name the file according to your first initial, last name, and assignment number (e.g., “RHall Assignment 1.docx”)

Learning Objectives:

  • UMBO: 1, 2
  • PLG: 2, 6
  • CLO: 3

Assignment: Hours Audit

The hours audit assignment requires you to run an “Hours audit” report and have the preceptor sign the report this week. Signed preceptor reports must be uploaded to Project Concert. Once uploaded into Project Concert you will receive the points associated with this assignment. The instructor will need to sign into Project Concert to see that the signed “Hours audit” report has been uploaded to the “Documents” tab in Project Concert. You will need to earn, have signed, and record in Project Concert one hundred and forty (140) immersion hours during this course.

Learning ActivityModule 4: Assignment – Hours AuditConduct an hours audit and upload the signed report to Project Concert.N/A

Learning Objectives:

  • UMBO: 1, 3
  • PLG: 6
  • CLO: 1, 3

Assignment: Committee Forms

This assignment involves completing and submitting the necessary committee forms to the classroom. Complete forms A1 and A2 only after making contact with the individuals and they have agreed to serve in this capacity. The student should upload completed forms to Project Concert.


  • A1 Form: Request for Service for Faculty Reviewer
  • A2 Form: Request for Service for Independent Reviewer
  • A3 Form: Credentials and Rationale for Student Choice
Learning ActivityModule 4: Assignment – Committee FormsSubmit completed committee forms to Project Concert.Research Paper Graduate Formal Submission

Learning Objectives:

  • UMBO: 1, 3
  • PLG: 6
  • CLO: 1, 3


Module 4 of the DNP program is focused on developing your project manuscript and ensuring the integration of practical experience hours. Key activities include identifying project team members, conducting teleconferences, auditing hours, and completing necessary committee forms. These activities are designed to ensure that your project progresses smoothly and meets academic standards.

How to Handle the Module 4- The Project Committee & Teleconference Project

Handling your project during this module involves several steps:

  1. Developing the Manuscript: Continue refining Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of your manuscript. Make sure to integrate feedback from your faculty mentor and peers.
  2. Identifying Project Team Members: Select your project team members carefully. Ensure that each member understands their role and responsibilities.
  3. Conducting Teleconferences: Schedule and conduct teleconferences with your faculty mentor and preceptor. Use these meetings to discuss progress, address challenges, and refine your project plan.
  4. Auditing Hours: Keep accurate records of your practical experience hours. Conduct an hours audit and have your preceptor sign off on it.
  5. Completing Committee Forms: Fill out and submit the required committee forms. Ensure that all necessary signatures are obtained.

For personalized assistance with your DNP capstone project, including Module 4 activities, visit and explore our range of services designed to support your academic success.


What is the main focus of Module 4 in the DNP program?

Module 4 focuses on developing the project manuscript, integrating practical experience hours, and identifying project team members. You will continue to refine Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of your project, conduct teleconferences with your faculty mentor and preceptor, and complete necessary committee forms.

What are the key learning activities in Module 4?

The key learning activities in Module 4 include:
Developing the project manuscript
Reading recommended materials
Reflecting on weekly activities through journal quiz questions
Conducting a teleconference with your faculty mentor and preceptor
Completing an hours audit
Submitting committee forms for approval

How do I conduct the teleconference for Module 4?

To conduct the teleconference, you need to schedule a mutually available time with your faculty mentor and preceptor. The teleconference should be conducted via Bongo and recorded. During the call, discuss the progress, objectives, and expectations of your project. After the call, summarize the conversation in a Word document, including who attended, the objectives discussed, and strategies for accomplishing those objectives. Format the summary in APA style and upload it to the appropriate dropbox for approval.

What should be included in the hours audit report?

The hours audit report should include a detailed account of your practical experience hours. The report must be signed by your preceptor and uploaded to Project Concert. You need to earn, have signed, and record in Project Concert a total of 140 immersion hours during the course. The signed report will be verified by your instructor in Project Concert.

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