Aspen N520 Module 7 Assignment – Professional Development Exercises

Aspen Module 7 Assignment – Professional Development Exercises

  • Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 17 (Guido, p. 362)
  • Was the nurse negligent for unlocking the bath-room door and allowing Judy to shower by herself?
  • Was it below the standard of care for the nurse to leave the bathroom door unlocked when the psychiatrist came to see Judy?
  • How significant are the hospital policy and procedures in this instance?
  • How would you decide this case?
  • Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 18 (Guido, p. 393)
  • Was the nurse negligent in the advice she gave Mr. Gonzales concerning his condition?
  • Did the nurse exceed her scope of practice in the advice she gave the patient?
  • Should the nurse have instructed Mr. Gonzales to go immediately to the local emergency center?
  • How would you decide this case? Who, if anyone, is liable in this case?
  • Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 20 (Guido, p. 439)
  • What should the standards of care be for such a patient?
  • Even though the nursing care plan did not specify that the wound should be checked hourly, how should the prudent nurse have acted?
  • Should the lawsuit center primarily on the surgeon for allowing this patient to be sent back to the nursing home for post- operative care rather than insisting he be kept for 24 hours in an acute care facility post-operatively?
  • How would you decide this case?
  • Please combine all of these responses into a single Microsoft Word document for submission
  • Please submit only complete assignments (not partial or “draft” assignments). Submit only the assignments corresponding to the module in this section.
  • You are not required to adhere to the 500-1000 word count for each of the responses, but please be thorough in your responses so that you adequately address all aspects of each question.

Handling Aspen Module 7 Assignment – Professional Development Exercises

When approaching the Module 7 Assignment in the Aspen N520 course, it’s crucial to address each case study thoroughly, ensuring that all aspects of the questions are covered. Here’s how to handle the assignment:

1. Case Study from Chapter 17 (Guido, p. 362)

  • Negligence in Unlocking the Bathroom Door:
    • Response: Assess whether the nurse’s decision to unlock the door and allow Judy to shower alone aligns with standard nursing practices. Consider the patient’s mental state, physical condition, and any specific instructions from the healthcare team. If Judy required supervision due to her condition, leaving her unsupervised could be considered negligent.
  • Leaving the Door Unlocked During the Psychiatrist’s Visit:
    • Response: Analyze the potential risks associated with leaving the door unlocked while the psychiatrist was present. Consider whether the nurse’s actions were consistent with the standard of care and hospital policies.
  • Importance of Hospital Policies and Procedures:
    • Response: Examine how hospital policies might influence the nurse’s actions. Determine if the nurse adhered to or deviated from these protocols, and discuss the impact this may have on the case.
  • Decision Making:
    • Response: Weigh the evidence and consider all factors before deciding the case. Take into account the nurse’s actions, hospital policies, and the standard of care to determine if negligence occurred.

2. Case Study from Chapter 18 (Guido, p. 393)

  • Negligence in Advising Mr. Gonzales:
    • Response: Determine if the nurse provided advice that could be seen as inappropriate or outside her scope of practice. Evaluate whether the advice could have led to harm and if it was consistent with the expected standard of care.
  • Exceeding Scope of Practice:
    • Response: Discuss whether the nurse’s actions were within her legal and professional boundaries. Consider the nurse’s training, expertise, and the advice given to Mr. Gonzales.
  • Instructions to Visit the Emergency Center:
    • Response: Assess whether the nurse should have advised Mr. Gonzales to seek immediate care. Discuss the potential consequences of delaying care and the nurse’s responsibility in ensuring patient safety.
  • Liability and Case Decision:
    • Response: Evaluate all aspects of the case, considering who may be liable. Analyze the nurse’s actions, the advice given, and the possible outcomes to make a fair decision.

3. Case Study from Chapter 20 (Guido, p. 439)

  • Standards of Care:
    • Response: Define what the standards of care should be for the patient in question. Consider the specific needs of the patient and the role of the nurse in ensuring those needs are met.
  • Hourly Wound Checks:
    • Response: Discuss how a prudent nurse would have acted, even in the absence of a care plan specifying hourly checks. Analyze the importance of vigilance and the nurse’s duty to assess the patient’s condition regularly.
  • Surgeon’s Responsibility:
    • Response: Consider whether the surgeon should be held responsible for discharging the patient to a nursing home instead of an acute care facility. Discuss the surgeon’s role in post-operative care and the impact of their decision.
  • Case Decision:
    • Response: Weigh all evidence to determine the appropriate outcome. Consider the surgeon’s and nurse’s actions, the patient’s condition, and the standards of care required in this situation.

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