Carolyn Cross iHuman Differential Diagnosis

At, we specialize in helping nursing students complete their iHuman case studies by offering custom differential diagnosis services. One common case that students encounter is the Carolyn Cross iHuman case study. This case involves a 41-year-old female, Carolyn Cross, who presents for a well-woman exam and expresses concerns about her risk of breast cancer. In this article, we’ll explore the potential differential diagnoses for Carolyn Cross and how can support students with custom differential diagnosis writing services.

Understanding the Case

Carolyn Cross, a 41-year-old female, comes in for a routine well-woman examination. She is particularly concerned about her breast cancer risk, as she has a family history of breast cancer. During her visit, she reports noticing a lump in her breast and some changes in her breast tissue. The combination of her family history and her reported symptoms raises concerns about possible underlying conditions that need to be evaluated.

Key Findings

In the Carolyn Cross iHuman case study, the key findings include:

  • A palpable breast lump
  • Family history of breast cancer
  • Changes in breast tissue

These findings require a thorough assessment to rule out serious conditions such as breast cancer while considering other possible differential diagnoses.

Carolyn Cross iHuman Differential Diagnoses

When formulating a differential diagnosis for Carolyn Cross, it’s essential to explore various conditions that align with her clinical presentation. Below are the most relevant differential diagnoses for this case:

1. Breast Cancer (Neoplastic Breast Mass)

Given Carolyn’s family history of breast cancer and her report of a palpable breast lump, the primary differential diagnosis to consider is breast cancer. Neoplastic breast masses are malignant tumors that typically present as firm, non-movable lumps. In Carolyn’s case, diagnostic imaging such as a mammogram and possibly a biopsy would be required to confirm or rule out this diagnosis (National Cancer Institute, 2020).

2. Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Fibrocystic breast disease is a benign condition that causes lumpiness, breast tenderness, and pain, commonly associated with hormonal changes. Although fibrocystic changes are usually benign, they can be confused with malignant masses during physical examination. Carolyn’s history of mild fibrocystic disease suggests this as a potential differential diagnosis, but further investigation is necessary to differentiate it from more serious conditions (American Cancer Society, 2020).

3. Breast Cyst

A breast cyst is another possible cause of a palpable breast lump. Breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs within the breast tissue, commonly affecting women in their 40s. Ultrasound imaging may be required to distinguish between a cyst and a solid mass, particularly in cases like Carolyn’s, where the lump does not seem to fluctuate with her menstrual cycle (Rossi et al., 2019).

4. Mastitis

Although mastitis is more commonly seen in breastfeeding women, non-lactating women can also develop the condition. Inflammation of the breast tissue can cause redness, warmth, and a painful lump. If Carolyn reports any symptoms of infection such as fever or discharge, mastitis should be considered as a differential diagnosis (World Health Organization, 2018).

5. Lipoma

A lipoma is a benign fatty tumor that may present as a soft, painless, and movable lump. Lipomas are non-cancerous and tend to grow slowly over time. Given Carolyn’s report of a firm lump, a lipoma is less likely, but it should still be considered until diagnostic imaging rules it out (Mayo Clinic, 2021).


American Cancer Society. (2020). Fibrocystic breast changes. Retrieved from

Mayo Clinic. (2021). Lipoma: Diagnosis and treatment. Retrieved from

National Cancer Institute. (2020). Breast cancer: Symptoms and diagnosis. Retrieved from

Rossi, S., Rochat, E., Calhoun, K. E., & Neal, L. (2019). Management of breast cysts in women aged 40 and older. Journal of Women’s Health, 28(9), 1190-1195.

World Health Organization. (2018). Mastitis: Causes and management. Retrieved from

Custom iHuman Differential Diagnosis Services at

At, we provide custom-written differential diagnosis services tailored to each unique iHuman case study. Here’s how we can assist students:

  • Personalized Case Study Solutions: We offer custom-written, well-researched differential diagnoses based on the specific findings of your iHuman case study, ensuring that your assignment meets academic standards.
  • Expert Guidance: Our team of experienced writers and medical professionals ensures that the content we provide adheres to current clinical guidelines and best practices.
  • Timely Delivery: We understand that nursing students often have tight deadlines. Our services are designed to deliver your differential diagnosis on time, giving you ample opportunity to review and submit your work.

Why Choose

  • Accuracy: We use up-to-date clinical guidelines to create accurate and reliable differential diagnoses.
  • Customization: Each iHuman case study is unique, and we tailor our solutions to the specific details of your assignment.

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