DNP 850A Module 1: Project Development Chapter 1 & Teleconference

The DNP850A Project Planning course is an essential component of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program, focusing on the initial phases of project development. Module 1, which encompasses Project Development Chapter 1 and a Teleconference, lays the foundation for a successful DNP project. This module is designed to guide students through the critical steps of planning their projects, ensuring they are well-prepared for the subsequent phases of implementation and evaluation.

DNP850A Project Planning Module 1: Project Development Chapter 1 & Teleconference

Module 1 from the DNP850A Project Planning course focuses on Project Development Chapter 1 and the associated Teleconference. This module is a critical starting point for students as they initiate the development of their final project, integrating practical experience and academic research.

Learning Activities for Module 1

InformationLecture: Module 1 OverviewThis week, you will initiate the development of the final project (refer to the DNP Lounge for templates, the DNP Manuscript Review Checklist, project ideas, etc.). You will describe your topic and begin formulating Chapter One, the descriptive chapter of your project that details the “what” and the “why.” A manuscript template has been provided in the DNP Lounge. By the end of Module 1, submit a rough draft of Chapter One. Be sure to focus on APA, grammar, word choice, and sentence structure. Your faculty mentor will grade each chapter and provide recommendations for improvement.N/A
DiscussionJournal Quiz QuestionUsing the ProQuest database in the Aspen University library or PQDT Open database, locate a completed project. Identify the project questions, methodology, conclusions, and suggestions for future research. Reflect on the project, noting what you found most surprising and which aspect of the project process you find most challenging. Each short-answer Journal Quiz response should be a minimum of 250 words; no citation, reference, or APA style is necessary. The Journal is in the Quiz area and not visible to other students.Graduate Discussion Rubric
AssignmentModule 1: TeleconferenceThe DNP course teleconferences provide an opportunity for faculty mentors to assess and monitor immersion activities for appropriateness and approval. Teleconferences will be conducted via Bongo and recorded. Calls must occur during modules one (1), four (4), and eight (8) in each DNP project course with the student, faculty mentor, and preceptor to establish and monitor ongoing objectives and expectations. The student will set up this call after arranging mutually available times with the faculty coordinator and preceptor. Summarize the conversation in a Word document, including who attended, objectives discussed, and strategies for accomplishing those objectives. Include a link to the teleconference recording. This should be formatted in APA with a title page, introduction, body, and conclusion.Grad Simple Essay Rubric
AssignmentModule 1: Develop Chapter OneDevelop the initial draft of Chapter One of your DNP project. Use project examples to develop Chapter One – the introduction of your project. This chapter sets up the reader for your entire project. Use the DNP project template located in the DNP Lounge. This chapter will be approximately 3000-3750 words in length. Ensure APA formatting is used throughout.M1 Assignment UMBO – 2, 3; M1 Assignment PLG – 3, 4; M1 Assignment CLO – 2, 3
AssignmentImmersion Approval LetterUpload your Immersion Approval Letter to the drop box within the first three days of this course. If you do not have an Immersion Approval Letter, you will need to withdraw from this class and contact the Office of Field Experience at: The Immersion Approval Letter would have been provided to you in Project Concert.M1 Assignment UMBO – 1, 2, 3; M1 Assignment PLG – 2; M1 Assignment CLO – 3

Project Development Chapters Overview

CHAPTER 1: Introduction

  • This chapter introduces your project, discussing the purpose of the investigation. It includes the contextual framework, key assumptions, delimitations, and limitations. The project question, guiding the project, is identified and discussed.

CHAPTER 2: Literature Review

  • A review of the literature, sketching a pattern of similar scholarly activities, discussing prior studies, and fitting the present project into a broader scheme. It defines the parameters of the project and establishes its contextual framework.

CHAPTER 3: Methodology

  • This chapter includes an explanation of the project’s design and procedures, the protocol for implementing the project, and the techniques for examination and evaluation.

CHAPTER 4: Findings

  • This chapter details the findings of the project in addressing each of the project goals, including feedback from any employed survey questionnaires. It provides factual findings.

CHAPTER 5: Discussion and Recommendations

  • This final chapter concludes the project with a discussion and recommendations for further research. It highlights the major results and correlates them with the investigation’s contention, presenting interpretations of the findings.

Module 1 focuses on the initial development of Chapter One, setting the foundation for a well-structured and comprehensive DNP project. By following the guidelines and utilizing the resources provided, students will be well-prepared to progress through their projects with confidence and clarity.

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