DNP805 Organizational and Systems Leadership

DNP805 Organizational and Systems Leadership is a pivotal course in Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs designed to prepare advanced practice nurses for leadership roles within healthcare organizations. This course emphasizes the development of skills and knowledge necessary to lead and manage healthcare systems effectively. Students explore various leadership theories, organizational dynamics, and strategic planning methods to enhance their ability to drive improvements in healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.

Key Areas of DNP805 Organizational and Systems Leadership Study

Leadership Theories and Models

In DNP805, students delve into a variety of leadership theories and models that provide frameworks for effective leadership in healthcare settings. These include transformational leadership, servant leadership, and situational leadership, among others. By understanding these theories, students can adapt their leadership style to various situations and inspire their teams to achieve common goals.

Organizational Dynamics

The course also covers the complexities of organizational dynamics, including the structure, culture, and behavior of healthcare organizations. Students learn how to navigate these dynamics to implement change effectively. Topics such as conflict resolution, team building, and communication strategies are integral to understanding how to lead diverse teams within complex healthcare environments.

Strategic Planning and Management

Strategic planning is a crucial component of organizational leadership. In DNP805, students learn how to develop and implement strategic plans that align with the mission and vision of healthcare organizations. This includes conducting environmental scans, setting strategic goals, and evaluating outcomes. Effective strategic management ensures that healthcare organizations can adapt to changing environments and continue to provide high-quality care.

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

A significant focus of DNP805 is on quality improvement and patient safety. Students explore various methodologies for quality improvement, such as Lean, Six Sigma, and Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles. They learn how to apply these methodologies to identify areas for improvement, implement changes, and measure outcomes. Ensuring patient safety is a critical aspect of organizational leadership, and students are equipped with the tools to create safer healthcare environments.

Health Policy and Advocacy

Understanding health policy and advocacy is essential for organizational leaders. This course covers the role of nurses in influencing health policy at local, state, and national levels. Students learn how to advocate for policies that improve healthcare access, quality, and equity. By engaging in advocacy, nurse leaders can shape the future of healthcare and address systemic issues affecting patient care.

Practical Applications of DNP805 Organizational and Systems Leadership

Case Studies and Simulations

To bridge the gap between theory and practice, DNP805 incorporates case studies and simulations. These practical exercises allow students to apply leadership concepts to real-world scenarios. Through these activities, students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, preparing them for leadership challenges they may encounter in their careers.

Capstone Projects

A significant component of the course is the capstone project, where students identify a problem within a healthcare organization and develop a comprehensive plan to address it. This project integrates the knowledge and skills gained throughout the course, demonstrating the student’s ability to lead and manage organizational change effectively.

DNP805 Organizational Systems And Leadership Module Discussions

Module 1 Discussion


Discuss what it takes to be an effective leader by reflecting on Newtonian vs. Quantum characteristics described in Porter-O’Grady and Malloch’s Quantum Leadership. Consider crucial accountability methods for achieving desired results. Which leadership style best represents you? Is this the most effective style for your work setting? Why?

Additionally, what communication tools do you use to enhance team involvement in achieving organizational goals?


Discuss what it takes to be an effective leader, incorporating the following questions:

What tools do you use to build individual and group relationships? Compare the results from Appendix A of Crucial Accountability with your strengths from StrengthsFinder and your conflict assessment questionnaire. Reflect on your self-assessments in the context of the complexity of healthcare.

Module 2 Discussion


Discuss your results from Appendix A in Crucial Accountability. What confrontations do you typically avoid or initiate? Do you use tricks to avoid speaking up, or do you always speak your mind? How can healthcare address the silence-to-violence habit? What can you personally do? Provide an example of a leader who handles this well.


Discuss the following about your StrengthsFinder assessment results:

Do you feel it is important to surround yourself with people who are different from you? Why or why not? What challenges might you face in doing so, and how would you address them? What is the most valuable insight you gained from examining your personal leadership style? How can you use your strengths in your practice and as a doctorally-prepared nurse? Provide an example of a nurse leader with the most positive strengths.

Module 3 Discussion


What do you think are the most important leadership characteristics that support an environment of innovation? Relate these to Kotter’s change model, particularly stages 3 & 4. Provide an example of a leader who exemplifies these characteristics.


The ACA mandated the implementation of Electronic Health Records by 2014, significantly changing healthcare operations and worker tasks. Discuss how this has impacted your organization and your personal job. How can changes of this magnitude be best handled to ensure successful implementation?

Module 4 Discussion


Using the concepts of Coaching for Unending Change in Porter-O’Grady and Malloch, develop one strategy for each of the following barriers to effective coaching: Use of Power, Self-Image, Knowledge, and Problem Solving. Use examples from your practice setting.


Does a crisis assist in the implementation of change? If so, how? Describe a situation where you dealt with a crisis in the workplace and how you managed it.

Module 5 Discussion


Integrate relevant quality concepts with ideas about the volume-to-value revolution within your practice setting. How has your HCO incorporated these changes? Provide specific examples of the change and how the system adapted.


Explain how you would transform your organization or team from a responsibility-based unit to an accountability-based unit. What does this transformation mean? Provide specific examples of how you would implement this change.

Module 6 Discussion


Discuss the results of your Emotional Intelligence Test from the reading assignment. How can you use the information discussed in Porter-O’Grady and Malloch to increase your level of emotional intelligence?


Describe the characteristics of a healthy versus an unhealthy (toxic) organization. Describe a situation you have observed that was toxic and how it might have been improved. Support your recommendations with appropriate scholarly references.

Module 7 Discussion


Select a pressing issue you face in your practice setting that we have not previously discussed. Find and read a research article regarding that issue. Share the issue and the findings of the article with your peers. What are potential solutions to the issue?


Discuss a leadership issue you have confronted in your practice, either as a leader or as an organizational member. How was this issue addressed? How might it have been handled better?

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