Healthcare Policy Discussion Essay Help


The purpose of this discussion is to reflect on opportunities to impact healthcare policies while further developing your own political competency using Warner’s article (2003) as a guide.


Read the Warner (2003) article (located in Student Learning Resources). Reflect upon the development of your political competency and address the following:

1.            Consider a time when there was an issue related to healthcare policy in your local, regional, or national community. If you pursued an opportunity to address the issue, describe the results. If you did not pursue the opportunity, describe the reasons.

2.            Propose an area of your political competency that needs further development and an action you could take to become more politically competent to impact your selected population.

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Hello Class,

This week your journey continues with an introduction to healthcare policy. The DNP-prepared nurse has a responsibility to understand the importance of health policy and the necessity of how to advocate for and formulate good health policy. This week, you will deepen your exploration of health policy as it relates to you, your practice, your community, and ultimately, our nation. You will reflect on the status of healthcare delivery in our country today as well as the political climate we face as healthcare professionals. This reflection will also be turned inward as you explore your own political competency and ways in which this competency can be expanded and enhanced as you consider your role in healthcare policy advocacy at your workplace and in the community at large. These reflections will provide you with direction, understanding, and knowledge to develop your own platform and position on important healthcare policy issues affecting the places where you live. Developing yourself as a healthcare policy advocate is critical to transforming outcomes. There is so much important work to be done, so let’s get started!1. Critically analyze the history, formation, and implementation of local, state, and national health policies from the perspectives of stakeholders and the profession of nursing. (PO 2).

Evaluation Processes in Population Health Discussion Essay Sample

The Selected Practice Problem

            The selected health issue is diabetes, which is a chronic health condition where the ability of a person’s body to produce insulin is impaired, or the body fails to utilize the produced insulin hormone effectively. Diabetes is a complex chronic disease since it usually has comorbidities that may lead to complications that reduce the patient’s quality of life. Research shows a high prevalence of chronic diseases among Somali Americans, especially diabetes (Mohamed et al., 2022). Diabetes is a highly prevalent chronic illness in Somali Americans in Minnesota hence a significant health concern in the population.

A Related Healthy People 2030 Goal that applies to the Selected Population and Health Issue

            The diabetes-related Healthy People 2030 aims to reduce the burden of diabetes disease and improve the quality of life for diabetic patients or those at risk for diabetes (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, n.d). Health people 2030 aims to reduce diabetes cases reported in the country, complications, and death. Diabetes-related complications are due to uncontrolled or untreated diabetes, including vision loss, foot amputations, and kidney damage. Racial and ethnic minorities are considered vulnerable since they are more likely to develop diabetes. Objectives that must be achieved to realize the goal include reducing mortality rates from any cause in diabetic patients, increasing the proportion of individuals who receive formal education about diabetes, increasing the number of adult diabetic patients who seek early exam care, and reducing the number of diabetes cases every year.

One Evidence-Based Intervention to Address the Healthy People 2030 Goal

            One evidence-based intervention that can address the Healthy People 2030 goal is group patient education at the community level. The findings of a randomized controlled trial indicate that group education significantly improves disease awareness and glycemic and blood pressure control (Thanh & Tien, 2021). Individuals with more knowledge about diabetes are more likely to seek medical services and implement self-management practices to improve their outcomes, including reducing the risk of complications. For example, glycemic control reduces the risk of complications resulting in optimal outcomes. The intervention can therefore address Healthy People 2030. Group patient education improves the ability of a diabetic patients to adhere to treatment and manage their condition successfully through lifestyle intervention improving their quality of life while reducing the patient’s quality of life. The intervention also fulfills the objective of increasing the number of patients who receive formal diabetes education, which is part of the Healthy People 2030 goal.

How to Determine if the Evidence-based Intervention was Efficient, Effective, and Efficacious

            Efficacy usually refers to how a health intervention is performed in ideal or under controlled conditions. In contrast, effectiveness can be described as how an intervention performs in a more real-world setting. I would determine the effectiveness of the group patient education by measuring a change in knowledge levels about diabetes at the end of the education program. This can be measured by asking questions. I would measure the efficacy of the intervention by analyzing how the knowledge gained by patients influenced their healthy behavior and change in health outcomes—for example, a change in blood glucose level or glycemic control. Efficiency refers to economically doing things. Efficiency would be measured through a cost-benefit analysis by determining the cost of implementing the educational program and the benefits of the program. The intervention will be considered efficient if the benefits outweigh the cost of implementing the intervention.


Mohamed, A. A., Lantz, K., Ahmed, Y. A., Osman, A., Nur, M. A., Nur, O., … & Wieland, M. L. (2022). An Assessment of Health Priorities Among a Community Sample of Somali Adults. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 1–6.

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d). Health People 2030: Diabetes.,vision%20loss%2C%20and%20kidney%20damage.

Thanh, H. T. K., & Tien, T. M. (2021). Effect of group patient education on glycemic control among people living with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam: A randomized controlled single-center trial. Diabetes Therapy12, 1503-1521.

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