Importance of ethics in nursing essay Sample

Importance of ethics in nursing essay Sample


Ethics forms the bedrock of nursing practice, guiding healthcare professionals in delivering compassionate and patient-centered care. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of ethics in nursing, exploring how ethical principles uphold the integrity and trust essential in the nurse-patient relationship.


  1. Maintaining Patient Trust: Ethical conduct is paramount in preserving the trust patients place in nurses. Upholding honesty, integrity, and transparency fosters a trusting relationship, essential for effective communication and collaboration in healthcare.

Reference: American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements. Retrieved from ANA

  1. Ensuring Patient Autonomy: Ethical nursing practice recognizes and respects the autonomy of patients. Nurses empower individuals to make informed decisions about their care, respecting their preferences, and involving them in the decision-making process.

Reference: Beauchamp, T. L., & Childress, J. F. (2019). Principles of Biomedical Ethics. Oxford University Press.

  1. Advocating for Patient Rights: Nurses serve as advocates for their patients, ensuring their rights are protected. Upholding ethical principles involves advocating for equitable and nondiscriminatory care, promoting social justice within the healthcare system.

Reference: Fowler, M. D. (2015). Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and Application. American Nurses Association.

  1. Confidentiality and Privacy: Ethical nursing practice mandates the protection of patient confidentiality and privacy. Respecting these principles establishes a safe and secure environment, encouraging open communication between nurses and patients.

Reference: Burkhardt, M. A., & Nathaniel, A. K. (2014). Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing. Cengage Learning.

  1. Professional Accountability: Ethical behavior in nursing involves acknowledging and taking responsibility for one’s actions. Nurses are accountable for the outcomes of their care, and ethical standards guide them in delivering competent and safe patient care.

Reference: Kalb, K. A. (2014). Patient advocacy in the community and legislative arena. In K. A. Kalb, & K. J. O’Conner-Von (Eds.), The Nurse’s Role in Promoting Optimal Health of Older Adults: Thriving in the Wisdom Years (pp. 41-54). F.A. Davis.

  1. Cultural Competence and Diversity: Ethical nursing practice embraces cultural competence and diversity. Nurses recognize and appreciate the uniqueness of each patient, delivering care that is sensitive to cultural beliefs and practices.

Reference: Campinha-Bacote, J. (2011). Delivering Patient-Centered Care in the Midst of a Cultural Conflict: The Role of Cultural Competence. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 16(2), 1.


In conclusion, the importance of ethics in nursing cannot be overstated. Ethical principles provide a guiding framework for nurses, ensuring that patient care is delivered with compassion, respect, and integrity. By upholding these ethical standards, nurses contribute to the overall well-being of their patients and foster a healthcare environment grounded in trust and professionalism.

Importance of Ethics in Nursing

The nursing profession, like any other, is guided by a comprehensive set of rules and principles that aspiring registered nurses must wholeheartedly embrace. These regulations encompass various aspects such as code of conduct, attire, job execution, and conflict resolution, establishing a framework to govern nurses’ behavior.

Adhering to these rules is paramount, as failure to do so may result in severe consequences, including the possibility of being deregistered by the nursing board. For an in-depth exploration of the importance of ethics in nursing, refer to a detailed article on the subject.

Fundamental Ethical Principles and Roles in Nursing

The practice of nursing is inherently global, and ethical standards play a crucial role in facilitating seamless, globally accepted nursing care. Viewed by many as a calling, nursing involves embodying essential principles such as humanity and loyalty, shaping the way nurses deliver their services according to established norms.

Therefore, nursing education goes beyond the mere provision of services; it entails adherence to a set of rules. Let’s delve into the pivotal roles of ethics in the nursing profession.

Roles of Nursing Ethics

As previously mentioned, ethics serve as moral principles guiding nurses’ conduct. The roles of nursing ethics extend beyond mere guidelines and moral guidance, playing a pivotal role in maintaining the standard of healthcare services delivered worldwide.

  1. Offers Guidelines: Ethical principles provide nurses with guidelines on how to conduct themselves during duty, outlining the expected dynamics of the patient-nurse relationship and appropriate responses to specific situations.
  2. Provides Moral Guidance: Nurses operate within a framework of moral guidance defined by their ethical principles. This encompasses actions such as seeking consent from patients and displaying kindness, among other moral imperatives.
  3. Promotes Standard Healthcare Delivery: Ethical guidelines contribute to the provision of standardized, high-quality healthcare globally. Nurses are obligated to deliver care in accordance with ethical principles, regardless of personal interests or beliefs.

Challenges in Nursing and Ethical Responses

Nursing, being a high-pressure environment, presents challenges that require ethical responses. Some of these challenges include dealing with patients from diverse religious backgrounds and beliefs, handling consent issues, and maintaining patient confidentiality. Ethical principles guide nurses in navigating these situations, ensuring that care is delivered with integrity and respect for individual rights.

  1. Obtain Consent: Nurses must obtain consent from conscious patients or parents of minors before administering treatment. Failure to secure consent may lead to legal repercussions and professional consequences.
  2. Obtain Informed Consent: Nurses are responsible for obtaining informed consent from conscious patients before any treatment or procedure. Respecting patients’ wishes, even if they refuse treatment, is essential, and nurses ensure that staff adheres to these principles.
  3. Maintain Patient Confidentiality: Upholding patient confidentiality is a critical ethical responsibility. Nurses must decide who needs to be informed without compromising confidentiality, safeguarding patients’ private information.
  4. Truthfulness: Honesty is a cornerstone of nursing ethics. Nurses must relay truthful information to patients, even when it involves delivering unwelcome news. Patients trust nurses for accurate information about their health, medications, and overall well-being.

Principles of the Nursing Profession

The nursing profession operates on fundamental principles that underpin its core values and beliefs. Deviating from these principles not only jeopardizes the well-being of nurses but also poses risks to the clients they serve. Here are five key principles emphasizing the importance of ethics in nursing and the potential consequences of neglecting them.


One of the paramount ethical principles in nursing, as outlined in the code of conduct, is accountability. Nurses are obligated to be answerable not only to themselves but also to the public and their patients. These ethical standard demands that nurses take full responsibility for their actions while on duty, a responsibility that at times involves decisions with life-altering consequences. In some instances, nurses are granted the authority to make critical decisions, provided they communicate these decisions to the relevant parties beforehand.

Failing to uphold accountability in nursing can result in severe consequences, including job loss or, in the worst-case scenario, the revocation of a nursing license. The repercussions also extend to the erosion of trust between patients and nurses, jeopardizing the vital patient-nurse relationship.


Loyalty, or allegiance, stands as another fundamental principle in nursing ethics. It entails keeping promises and steadfast belief in a cause. The nurse-patient relationship hinges on loyalty and trust, with nurses strictly prohibited from disclosing patient issues to any third party. Breaching this principle can lead to mistrust between patients and nurses, undermining the treatment process. Nurses must demonstrate unwavering trustworthiness to foster a strong bond with their patients.


Kindheartedness is a crucial ethical principle for nurses. It requires nurses to exhibit genuine love, care, generosity, and concern for all patients, recognizing the diversity of illnesses individuals may be facing. This principle mandates that nurses act with benevolence irrespective of personal interests or opinions. Without this principle, healthcare facilities could risk becoming unwelcoming environments for those seeking help during times of need. Kindheartedness is a pivotal element among other essential principles guiding nursing practice.

Patient Freedom

Respecting the freedom of expression and decision-making for patients is a cornerstone of nursing ethics. Built on the trust established between nurses and patients, this principle requires nurses to honor patients’ requests, such as keeping medical information confidential. Nurses must adhere to patient decisions, except in cases where patients are incapacitated or unconscious. Upholding patient freedom fosters a sense of trust and respect in the nurse-patient relationship.

Human Relationship

Human relationship ethics in nursing emphasize mutual respect and resilience, encompassing the confidence and privacy of patients. Nurses encounter situations daily where they must exercise humanity, irrespective of a patient’s condition. Maintaining a human-centric approach is vital, as it aligns with the core value of preserving life. In the absence of such humanity, nurses might neglect severe cases and fail to communicate effectively about patients’ conditions.

Ethics in Nursing and Morality

The interplay between ethics and morality surfaces when critical decisions are imminent, often influenced by deteriorating health. Nurses may find themselves at a crossroads, possessing the right course of action yet unable to execute it due to moral obligations dictated by established ethical principles. While nurses are expected to adhere to standard ethics as a guideline, their humanity is sometimes tested when faced with challenging situations that demand a delicate balance between ethical standards and moral considerations.

Job Performance and Nursing Ethics Essay Help

The ethical standards governing the nursing profession are crafted to uphold and maintain the delivery of high-quality healthcare services. The nursing code of conduct revolves around crucial aspects such as end-of-life issues, bioethics, advocacy, caregiving, moral courage, moral distress, and moral resilience. Nurses are expected to adhere strictly to these non-negotiable principles in the course of their duties.

In the execution of their responsibilities, nurses are required to apply their moral judgment, staying within the established guidelines. Displaying understanding, compassion, and loyalty, while ensuring patients’ freedom of speech, is a fundamental expectation. Additionally, nurses are mandated to provide caregiving without allowing personal beliefs or feelings towards a patient to influence the standard delivery of healthcare services.

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