MSN 600 mod 5-quality improvement or process improvement initiative

Discuss a quality improvement or process improvement initiative

Identify a quality or process improvement topic that is of interest to you.

Select an article from the literature that addresses your selected topic.  The article must discuss a quality improvement or process improvement initiative.

Determine the role of theory, research, and practice in quality or process improvement initiatives.

Create a visual representation of the theory, research, and practice relationship from your selected article using the diagram in the downloaded Word document. Replace the text in each box to illustrate each component of the nursing triad.  If you identified a gap, please include your recommendation on how to address the gap.

Assignment Requirements:

Regardless of the student’s chosen format for the assignment delivery, the assignment must include the following:

1. Explain the relationship between research, theory, and practice in the nursing triad.

2. Determine the best course of action in the absence of one aspect (research, theory, or practice).

3. Describe the quality or process improvement initiative you identified from the article you selected.

4. Discuss the role of research, theory, and practice in your selected article.

5. Explain any gaps (a lack of research, practice standards, or usable theory) within your article.

6. Discuss how this impacted your quality or process improvement initiative.  How would you address this gap?

7. What kind of data was gathered and assessed in the quality or process 8. improvement initiative?  Was it qualitative or quantitative?  What other data could be collected to support this initiative?

8. The required diagram must be utilized in your assignment to represent the relationship between research, theory, and practice in your selected article.  If you identified a gap, please include your recommendation on how to address the gap.

Conceptualization: Bridging the theory Practice Gap

Conceptualization: Bridging the theory Practice Gap
Module 5 Assignment
Introduction For Paper Criteria Student includes least one paragraph that: thoroughly explains to the reader what is presented in the assignment.cover page is properly formatted in APA style. OR Introduction For Slide Criteria Includes a slide that explains to the reader what is presented in the assignment.cover slide is properly formatted in APA style.  Introduction provides excellent context for the rest of the paper. (8 – 10 points)Introduction provides effective context for the rest of paper. (5 – 7 points)    Introduction provides minimal context for the paper. (2 – 4 points)Introduction does not provide context for the paper OR no introduction was provided, or no assignment submitted. (0 points)
Adherence to Assignment Guidelines   Explain the relationship between research, theory, and practice in the nursing triad.Determine the best course of action in the absence of one aspect (research, theory, or practice). Describe the quality or process improvement initiative you identified from the article you selected. Discuss the role of research, theory, and practice in your selected article. Explain any gaps (a lack of research, practice standards, or usable theory) within your article. Discuss how this impacted your quality or process improvement initiative.  How would you address this gap? What kind of data was gathered and assessed in the quality or process improvement initiative?  Was it qualitative or quantitative?  What other data could be collected to support this initiative? The required diagram must be utilized in your assignment to represent the relationship between research, theory, and practice in your selected article.  If you identified a gap, please include your recommendation on how to address the gap. The paper meets and adequately addresses all eight of the criteria (see criteria column). (18- 20points)The paper meets and adequately addresses four to seven of the criteria (see criteria column). (17 – 11 points)The paper meets and adequately addresses less than one to four of the criteria (See criteria column). (10 – 6 points)Paper does not adequately address criteria OR no assignment submitted (0 – 5points)
Synthesis: Knowledge Integration & Application of Information Resources   1. Integrate conceptual diagram, theory, research, and practice 2. Incorporate a quality improve or process improvement initiative from an article in which theory, research and practice interact to identify patient outcomes (data). 3. Describes and synthesizes concepts and ideas.    The paper exceptionally presented ideas, which are detailed, well developed, and supported with specific evidence including examples and specific details. No more than two direct quotes were used. (24 – 30 points)The paper effectively presented ideas which are detailed, well developed, and supported with specific evidence including examples and specific details. (17 – 23 points)The paper presented ideas which are sound and solid; ideas are present but not particularly developed or supported; evidence is generalized. (10 – 16 points)The paper presented ideas which are not sound or not relative to what is being discussed or no assignment submitted. (0 – 9 points)
Grammar & MechanicsThe paper is clearly written with no errors in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, and punctuation. (8 – 10 points)Less than two errors in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, and punctuation. (5 -7.5 points)Three to six errors in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, punctuation. (5 – 3 points)Greater than six errors in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, punctuation OR no assignment submitted. (2.3 points)
APA Format Page Set Up The correct use of APA formatting has been met without error for the following criteria: Title Page.5-8 pagesUse of leveled headings.Reference Page Or For Slides Title Page.12-15 slides Use of leveled headings.Reference Page  The paper meets all four of the criteria (see criteria column). (10 points)The paper meets three of the four criteria (see criteria column). (7.5points)  The paper meets less than three of the four criteria (see criteria column). (5 points)The paper does not address any of the APA formatting criteria or no assignment submitted. (2.5-0 points)
APA Formatting of References and In-text Citations The assignment consistently presents APA formatted citations of the references used on the reference page within the text.The assignment consistently presents correctly formatted APA in-text citations. The citations and the references listed on the reference page match. The use of APA formatting has been met without error on the reference page.The paper meets all four of the criteria (see criteria column). (10 points)The paper meets three of the four criteria (see criteria column). (7.5 points)The paper meets less than three of the four criteria (see criteria column).  (5 points)The paper does not address any of the APA formatting criteria or no assignment submitted. (2.5 – 0  points)
Conclusion -The main points of the paper were addressed and pulled together and succinct -The reader was reminded of the importance of the topic -The reader has a distinct sense the paper has come to an end and no new ideas were introducedExceptional Conclusion was succinct (Range 8 – 10 points)Effective Conclusion contained 3 of the criteria. (Range 6 – 7.5 points)Acceptable Conclusion contained 2 of the criteria (range 5 – 3 points)Developing Conclusion contained 1 OR no conclusion was provided, or no assignment submitted.
Documentation late assignmentcomments0 points
Documentation for page overagecomments0 points
Total   /100

Theory, Research and Practice Paradigm: Improving Patient Safety During Care Transitions and Nursing Handoffs Essay Sample

Author Note

            This formal paper for October 3, 2022, is submitted to Dr. Newberry and (list section faculty last name) in the College of Health and Human Services in the School of Nursing at Northern Kentucky University. There is no conflict of interest to disclose.

            Correspondence concerning this formal assignment should be addressed to (list student’s first and last name), College of Health and Human Services-School of Nursing, Northern Kentucky University, Nunn Drive, Highland Heights, Kentucky, 41099, United States. Email: (list student NKU email)


Poor communication is one of the greatest challenges to patient safety during nurse handoffs and care transitions. Therefore, the current paper explored a recent quality improvement study that addresses this issue. The researchers trained caregivers on using the SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) method to improve patient safety outcomes and culture. Beyond the actual intervention, this paper summarizes the study’s use of the nursing triad components: theory, research, and practice. The role of research and practice is evident in the study, but a theory is missing. Hence, the paper explores ways to address the gap to ensure optimal outcomes while implementing a quality improvement initiative to enhance communication during handoffs and care transitions, thereby elevating patient safety.

            Keywords: nursing triad, research, theory, practice, quality improvement, communication

Theory, Research and Practice Paradigm: Improving Patient Safety During Care Transitions and Nursing Handoffs

Poor communication has been a major contributor to adverse patient safety outcomes. First, patients often receive care from clinicians in different settings. Miscommunication between such care teams during care transitions can result in misinterpretation of data, impeding high-quality care continuity. Additionally, caregivers in the same setting usually hand over care duties to their colleagues during shift changes. Inadequate communication during these handoffs also threatens patient safety. Therefore, there is a need to explore the efficacy of a structured communication technique to enhance effective information transfer during handoffs and care transitions, thereby safeguarding patient safety.

Quality Improvement Initiative

Nurses can enhance communication during handoffs and care transitions using the SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) model. The SABR model eliminates communication gaps, resulting in complete and accurate information transfer between the two caregiving teams/individuals. Consequently, patient safety improves. Etemadifar et al. (2021) studied this initiative and found that SABR positively influenced patient safety metrics and culture. Hence, it is an invaluable intervention in busy healthcare facilities as well as long-term care delivery models.

Nursing Triad

Role of Theory

Theories are essential to quality improvement processes since they facilitate executional decision-making. For instance, they can help a quality improvement officer choose a methodology (Goldman et al., 2021). Such a decision will depend on a particular theory’s purpose, assumptions, and interpretation of terms, such as the nursing metaparadigm. Hence, if the QI officer finds a theory that fits their situation, they will use it to address the problem, enhancing overall outcomes.

Role of Research

Meanwhile, research provides a QI officer with justification for taking specific action. For instance, research data can highlight the poor state of a particular clinical outcome, hence the need for a new approach or intervention. Research also provides insights into the effectiveness and significance of various approaches to a problem, enabling them to choose the intervention that best fits their clinical and cultural setting.

Role of Practice

Practice entails the interplay of the standards that industry leaders have set and the reality. On the one hand, the standards help the quality improvement process by providing reference points for how caregivers and health organizations should be to guarantee ideal clinical outcomes. Comparing these standards to the actual practice then highlights the shortcomings, making it easier to implement objective changes for quality improvement. For instance, a practice standard for a state/country for ICU nurse-to-patient ratio could be 1:3. Facilities not meeting this ratio are performing poorly, and any quality concerns are attributable to this practice gap.

Gaps Identified

Etemadifar et al.’s (2021) study on SABR’s effectiveness in improving patient safety lacks a theory. The presence of research is evident in the introduction as the researchers highlight information from past studies that helped them build their research. Meanwhile, the study referred to practice standards from the Royal College of Surgeons of England. The information helped them decide to use standard delivery tools in implementing the SBAR training program instead of a self-developed approach. Consequently, the only missing aspect is the theory. The lack of a theoretical framework could indicate that the researchers did not find an appropriate theory to match their research.

Absence of One Aspect

The absence of a theory means that researchers must find another source to aid in executional decision-making. Such sources could be experienced personnel, past organizational research models, or industry guidelines. Using any of these alternatives could help the researchers yield valid and reliable outcomes, making their QI initiative successful.

Theory, Research, and Practice

Figure 1 summarizes the study’s components. The missing theory is replaceable with experienced researchers, organization research models, or industry guidelines. The information from this component then interacts with practice standards, such as guidelines and relevant literature, to create a practice QI initiative. In this case, the issue was patient safety during care transitions and handoffs. The project’s success translates to better patient-centric outcomes, such as improved safety and higher satisfaction.

Figure 1

Theory, Research, and Practice Diagram

Text Box: Missing theory. Replace with experience/organizational models/industry guidelines.
Back with solid fill
Text Box: Patient safety during handoffs/care transitions


Types of Data

A QI initiative on patient safety would gather and assess statistical data. Additionally, scale data that measures various patient safety outcomes and culture metrics would be useful. Other data types include caregivers’ and patients’ perceptions, opinions, and experiences.

Examples of Data

Statistical data would include the incidence of patient safety events pre and post-intervention, the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPS) scores, and patient experiences. The statistical and HSOPS scores are quantitative, while patient experiences are qualitative.


Patient safety is critical at all stages of care delivery. However, handoffs and care transitions are vulnerable due to the change in caregivers. Hence, clear and accurate communication is necessary to ensure the patient does not face risks during this process. The SBAR approach could be useful in improving this communication. Thus, a quality improvement initiative focused on training caregivers on using SBAR could help improve patient safety, resulting in better clinical and cultural outcomes.


Etemadifar, S., Sedighi, Z., Sedehi, M., & Masoudi, R. (2021). The effect of situation, background, assessment, recommendation-based safety program on patient safety culture in intensive care unit nurses. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 10, 422.

Goldman, J., Smeraglio, A., Lo, L., Kuper, A., & Wong, B. M. (2021). Theory in quality improvement and patient safety education: A scoping review. Perspectives on Medical Education, 10(6), 319–326.

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