N580 Module 8- Developing a Lesson Plan to Teach First-Year Nursing Students

Objective: Develop a comprehensive lesson plan to teach first-year nursing students about Basic Infection Control Practices.

Lesson Plan Overview

Lesson TitleBasic Infection Control Practices
AudienceFirst-Year Nursing Students
Duration60 Minutes
Learning Objectives1. Understand the principles of infection control.
2. Demonstrate proper hand hygiene techniques.
3. Identify common pathogens and modes of transmission.
4. Apply standard precautions in clinical settings.
Materials Required– Whiteboard and markers
– PowerPoint slides
– Hand sanitizer and soap
– Glo Germ kit for hand hygiene demonstration
– Printed handouts on infection control guidelines

Lesson Plan Structure

0-5 minsIntroductionBriefly introduce the topic and its importance in nursing.Lecture
5-15 minsLearning Objective ReviewGo over the lesson’s objectives with the students.PowerPoint presentation
15-25 minsLecture: Principles of Infection ControlDiscuss key principles, including hand hygiene and PPE use.Lecture + Visual aids (slides)
25-35 minsDemonstration: Hand HygieneShow proper hand hygiene using the Glo Germ kit.Hands-on demonstration
35-45 minsInteractive Activity: Pathogen IdentificationStudents identify common pathogens and modes of transmission.Group activity + Q&A
45-55 minsApplication: Standard PrecautionsDiscuss and role-play scenarios using standard precautions.Role-play + Discussion
55-60 minsSummary and Q&ARecap the lesson and open the floor for questions.Discussion

N580 Module 8- Developing a Lesson Plan to Teach First-Year Nursing Students

Detailed Lesson Content

1. Principles of Infection Control (Lecture)

  • Introduction to Infection Control: Define infection control and explain its significance in healthcare.
  • Hand Hygiene: Importance of handwashing, use of hand sanitizer, and the “5 Moments for Hand Hygiene.”
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Types of PPE and when to use them.
  • Environmental Control: Cleaning and disinfection of surfaces in healthcare settings.

2. Demonstration: Hand Hygiene

  • Activity: Use the Glo Germ kit to demonstrate proper handwashing technique.
  • Instructions:
    • Apply Glo Germ lotion or powder on students’ hands.
    • Instruct students to wash their hands as they normally would.
    • Use a UV light to show missed spots and reinforce correct techniques.

3. Interactive Activity: Pathogen Identification

  • Activity: Split students into small groups. Provide each group with a list of common pathogens and modes of transmission.
  • Task: Groups match pathogens with their correct mode of transmission (e.g., airborne, contact).
  • Discussion: Review answers with the class and correct any misconceptions.

4. Application: Standard Precautions

  • Role-Play Scenarios:
    • Scenario 1: Caring for a patient with a respiratory infection.
    • Scenario 2: Handling a patient’s blood sample.
  • Discussion Points:
    • Which PPE should be used in each scenario?
    • How to dispose of PPE correctly?
    • Steps to prevent cross-contamination.

5. Summary and Q&A

  • Summary: Recap the main points of infection control and its application in clinical practice.
  • Q&A Session: Allow students to ask questions and clarify any doubts.

Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment TypeDetails
Formative– Observe students during the hand hygiene demonstration and role-play.
– Provide immediate feedback and correction.
Summative– Short quiz at the end of the lesson covering key concepts.
– Written reflection on the importance of infection control in nursing practice.

This lesson plan ensures that first-year nursing students understand the importance of infection control and are equipped with practical skills to apply these principles in their future clinical practice.

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