NRNP-6541 202470 – Primary Care of Adolescents and Children: i-Human Case Week #7

Walden University’s NRNP-6541 202470 course, Primary Care of Adolescents and Children, is designed to equip nursing students with the skills necessary to provide comprehensive care to younger populations. Week #7 focuses on an i-Human case study, a critical learning tool for developing clinical decision-making skills. Below is a detailed breakdown of what to expect and how to approach this assignment, including the HPI, Problem Statement, Management Plan, EHR, and Review of Systems.

NRNP-6541 202470 – Primary Care of Adolescents and Children: i-Human Case Week #7

History of Present Illness (HPI)

The History of Present Illness is a comprehensive description of the patient’s current health concerns. When documenting the HPI, include:

  • Chief Complaint (CC): The primary reason the patient is seeking care.
  • Onset: When the symptoms began.
  • Location: Where the symptoms are occurring.
  • Duration: How long the symptoms have been present.
  • Characteristics: Description of the symptoms (e.g., sharp, dull, intermittent).
  • Aggravating Factors: What makes the symptoms worse.
  • Relieving Factors: What alleviates the symptoms.
  • Associated Symptoms: Any other symptoms that are occurring in conjunction with the primary complaint.

Problem Statement

The Problem Statement should clearly articulate the patient’s main issues based on the HPI and other data collected. This statement guides the development of the Management Plan. Ensure that the Problem Statement is concise and specific.

Management Plan

The Management Plan outlines the steps necessary to address the patient’s health issues. It includes:

  • Diagnostics: Tests and procedures needed to confirm the diagnosis.
  • Therapeutic Interventions: Medications, treatments, and therapies prescribed to manage the condition.
  • Education: Information provided to the patient and family about the condition, treatment options, and care instructions.
  • Follow-up: Scheduled appointments and additional monitoring required to track the patient’s progress and adjust the care plan as needed.

Electronic Health Record (EHR)

The EHR is a digital version of the patient’s paper chart. It is crucial for documenting all aspects of the patient’s care, including:

  • Patient Demographics: Basic information such as name, age, and contact details.
  • Medical History: Comprehensive history including past illnesses, surgeries, and family history.
  • Medications: Current and past medications, including dosages and duration.
  • Allergies: Any known allergies to medications, foods, or other substances.
  • Vital Signs: Regularly updated measurements such as temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate.
  • Progress Notes: Ongoing documentation of the patient’s condition and treatment.

Ihuman Review of Systems (ROS)

The Review of Systems is an essential component of the patient assessment. It involves a systematic review of each body system to identify any additional symptoms the patient may not have mentioned. Key systems to review include:

  • General: Weight changes, fever, fatigue.
  • Skin: Rashes, lesions, itching.
  • HEENT (Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat): Vision changes, ear pain, nasal congestion, sore throat.
  • Respiratory: Cough, shortness of breath, wheezing.
  • Cardiovascular: Chest pain, palpitations, edema.
  • Gastrointestinal: Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Genitourinary: Dysuria, frequency, urgency, hematuria.
  • Musculoskeletal: Joint pain, muscle weakness.
  • Neurological: Headaches, dizziness, numbness.
  • Psychiatric: Depression, anxiety, mood changes.

Get Expert ihuman Case Study Assignment Help at

At, we understand the complexities of i-Human case studies and the challenges nursing students face. Our professional writers and nursing experts are here to provide you with comprehensive support, ensuring your assignments are well-researched, accurate, and submitted on time.

Visit to learn more about our i-Human case study assignment help and other services designed to help you succeed in your nursing education. Let us assist you in mastering the intricacies of primary care for adolescents and children, and achieve your academic goals with confidence.


What services does offer? specializes in providing comprehensive assignment help for nursing students. Our services include Shadow Health Assignment Help, iHuman Case Study Help, HEENT Documentation Writing, Nursing Care Plan Writing, and support for Cengage SAM Projects.

What is an i-Human case study?

An i-Human case study is a simulated clinical experience designed to enhance nursing students’ diagnostic and decision-making skills. These case studies present realistic patient scenarios that require students to assess, diagnose, and develop care plans.

How can help with my i-Human case study assignment?

We provide expert assistance in completing your i-Human case study assignments, ensuring that all components such as the HPI, Problem Statement, Management Plan, EHR documentation, and Review of Systems are thoroughly and accurately addressed.

What is the focus of the i-Human Case Week #7 for NRNP-6541 202470?

The focus of the i-Human Case Week #7 for NRNP-6541 202470 – Primary Care of Adolescents and Children is to simulate a real-life clinical scenario involving adolescent or pediatric patients. Students are required to perform a detailed patient assessment, develop a problem statement, create a management plan, document in the Electronic Health Record (EHR), and conduct a thorough Review of Systems (ROS). This case study aims to enhance students’ clinical decision-making skills and their ability to provide comprehensive care to younger populations.

How can assist with my i-Human Case Week #7 assignment for NRNP-6541 202470? offers expert assistance with your i-Human Case Week #7 assignment for NRNP-6541 202470. Our professional writers, who have advanced nursing degrees and extensive clinical experience, can help you complete each component of the case study, including the History of Present Illness (HPI), Problem Statement, Management Plan, EHR documentation, and Review of Systems. By leveraging our expertise, you can ensure that your assignment is thorough, accurate, and meets the academic standards required by Walden University. Visit for more information and to place an order.

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