NSG6999 Graduate Project in Nursing

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is an essential approach in nursing that integrates clinical expertise with the best available research and patient preferences. NSG6999 Graduate Project in Nursing, EBP helps nurses develop interventions that improve health outcomes for specific populations. The PICOT framework (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time) guides the formulation of clinical questions, driving effective evidence-based interventions. At GPAShark.com, we assist students in crafting DNP capstone projects, ensuring alignment with EBP methodologies and the PICOT model for successful healthcare outcomes.

Evidence-Based Project (EBP) & PICOT Question: NSG6999 Graduate Project in Nursing

Week 1 – Assignment 2 Discussion

Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2011) outline seven steps of the evidence-based practice (EBP) process, with the first being to foster a spirit of inquiry. For this assignment, identify an issue within your specialty that requires improvement. You may consider educational programs, evidence-based healthcare policies, or clinical protocols for specific conditions. Discuss the relevance of the issue in relation to your advanced role option. Share why the issue interests you and how it relates to your specialization. Explain why evidence exists to support this change, rather than generating new research, to improve outcomes. Note that the project proposal won’t involve implementation or data collection during this course, as its purpose is to create a project proposal only.

Week 2 – Assignment 1 Discussion

In week two, briefly introduce the issue or problem that will be the focus of your project proposal. Explain how it relates to your area of specialization and provide your PICOT question, ensuring each component is labeled (e.g., P, I, C, O, T). Reflect on a process model (e.g., Iowa model, Clinical Scholar model) that resonates with you and will guide your project. Share the PICOT format with your classmates and provide feedback on their formats. Discuss whether the question represents a clinical research question or one suited to an evidence-based practice project.

Week 3 – Assignment 1 Discussion

This week, share the search strategies you used to locate relevant evidence for your study. Start by stating your PICOT question and indicating whether the terms led to useful research studies. Discuss the MESH terms you’ve tried and how they expanded or focused your search. Share the databases you found helpful and those that weren’t. Reflect on the levels of evidence you’ve found in the studies, and how you may have modified your search for better results. Post any concerns or questions, and provide feedback to classmates on search strategies. Use Rapid Clinical Appraisal (RCA) Tools to evaluate one or two articles and update your Evaluation Table.

Week 4 – Assignment 1 Discussion

In week four, you will discuss your experience with the rapid critical appraisal process. Share whether the process felt truly “rapid” or was more of a detailed, labor-intensive task. Explain if reading the abstracts helped you quickly decide whether to include or exclude studies. Reflect on what worked well in terms of appraising articles and completing your Evaluation Table, and what didn’t. Post any questions or concerns, and collaborate with classmates for shared strategies and feedback.

Week 5 – Assignment 1 Discussion

This week’s discussion focuses on creating a Synthesis Table to organize the body of evidence from the Evaluation Table. Share your approach to synthesizing evidence, identifying variables of interest. Practice summarizing two relevant articles from your Synthesis Table, using a scholarly tone and proper APA citation. Include the study design, level of evidence, and rigor. Ensure that patient preferences and clinical expertise are also considered in your project proposal. Use feedback from peers and faculty in this process, and incorporate it into your formal proposal.

Week 6 – Assignment 1 Discussion

This week, describe your project’s clinical issue, the setting, and the target population. Write your clinical question, explain the intervention you’ll test, and decide whether your study will be experimental or quasi-experimental, providing reasons for your choice. Review your colleagues’ clinical questions and offer feedback.

Week 7 – Assignment 1 Discussion

Discuss measurement tools to evaluate your intervention’s impact. Start by sharing your clinical question and planned intervention. Will you use existing tools or create new ones? If developing tools, will you pilot test them? Outline your approach to gathering baseline data, conducting pre/posttests, and measuring change. Discuss participant selection and confidentiality.

Week 8 – Assignment 1 Discussion

For this week’s discussion, focus on your project’s analysis phase. Reiterate your clinical question, intervention, study type, and evaluation methods. Share the type of statistical analysis you’ll perform, project timeline, and anticipated expenses, both direct and hidden (e.g., time). Consider whether you’ll need external funding.

Week 9 – Assignment 1 Discussion

While you won’t implement your project, consider the strategic steps for future implementation. Identify key stakeholders, including potential champions. Discuss barriers you anticipate and how to overcome them. Share the change theory guiding your approach.

Week 10 – Assignment 1 Discussion

Reflect on how you met the course’s student learning outcomes. Identify areas where you achieved success and those needing further improvement. Discuss your plans for meeting any remaining objectives.

Week 1 Assignment 3 – Evidence-Based Project Proposal

Over 11 weeks, students develop a scholarly project applying evidence to practice. Projects may focus on educational programs, healthcare policy changes, or clinical protocols. The proposal follows APA format and includes a written paper and presentation. Students select a practice change topic, develop a PICOT question, and perform literature searches using the Rapid Clinical Appraisal process. The final proposal synthesizes evidence, analyzes costs and timelines, and details plans for evaluation. Faculty feedback helps refine the proposal throughout the course.

Criteria and Organization of the Final Paper- NSG6999 Graduate Project in Nursing


Part 1 – Week 2


  • Describe the practice issue in need of change, providing background on the organization and its significance.
  • Define the project’s specific aims, including desired outcomes.
  • Present your PICOT question, labeling each part (P-I-C-O-T).
  • Discuss the significance in terms of poor outcomes or cost.

Part 2 – Weeks 3, 4, & 5

Evidence Review and Synthesis:

  • List the databases you searched (if limited to a specific timeframe, such as five years).
  • Summarize “keeper” studies.
  • Provide a synthesis of the evidence. Summarize the intervention based on the evidence review.

Part 3 – Week 6

Purpose of the Project & Theoretical Framework:

  • Describe the project’s purpose and include the intervention.
  • Present the theoretical framework and clinical questions.

Part 4 – Week 7

Methods Section:

  • Study design (experimental, quasi-experimental, or descriptive).
  • Setting/sample: Briefly describe the study setting, participants, and sampling methods.
  • Confidentiality: Outline how participant confidentiality will be maintained.
  • Procedures/intervention: Detail the intervention and procedures for replication.
  • Instruments/scales and outcome measurements: Include reliability and validity data.
  • Data collection: Specify collection methods, frequency, and any baseline measures.

Part 5 – Weeks 8 & 9

Data Analysis and Outcomes:

  • Detail the analysis methods and expected outcomes.
  • Discuss stakeholder alignment.


  • Evaluation Table (Weeks 3 & 4)
  • Synthesis Table (Week 5)

The paper should reflect professional writing, synthesis of coursework, and graduate-level scholarship.

Oral or Poster Presentation
In addition to the written paper, students will submit a professional PowerPoint presentation summarizing the project.

Criteria for Presentation:

  • Organize to include all required criteria of the EBP proposal.
  • Ensure the presentation demonstrates professionalism and graduate-level scholarship.

Dropbox Assignment for the Week:
This week’s assignment allows you to identify a problem within your specialization and receive feedback from faculty. Review the grading criteria below as you complete the assignment. Faculty will provide feedback on whether to approve or ask for a resubmission.

For this week’s assignment:

  • State your idea for your EBP project proposal and how it reflects an EBP project, not a research project.
  • Briefly describe the issue, the intervention you think is supported by research (subject to change), and expected outcomes.
  • Discuss the relevance of this project to your role specialization.

Week 2 Assignment 2

Submit Part 1 of the project proposal as a one-page APA-formatted paper. Reflect on feedback from faculty and peers when drafting. Include:

  • Summary of the practice issue, background information, and the perceived significance.
  • Specific project aims and desired outcomes.
  • PICOT question, labeling each part.
  • Significance of the issue in terms of poor outcomes, cost, etc.

Week 3 Assignment 2

Begin submission of Part 2 in a one-page APA paper, detailing your literature search:

  • List the databases searched, including any time restrictions.
  • Appraise one or two articles using Rapid Clinical Appraisal Tools and add them to your Evaluation Table.
  • Submit the Evaluation Table and Search Tracker for feedback.

Week 4 Assignment 2

Submit the completed Evaluation Table with your “keeper” studies. Add this to your final paper as an appendix. Submit the Search Tracker for faculty feedback.

Week 5 Assignment 2

Complete Part 2, the evidence review and synthesis section, in a scholarly, APA-formatted narrative.

  • Include study authors, publication dates, evidence quality, and relevance to the practice site.
  • Summarize how these studies are relevant to practice or policy change.
  • Submit completed Synthesis Table as part of your appendix.

Week 6 Assignment 2

Submit Part 3 of your project proposal in a one- to two-page APA-formatted paper, covering:

  • Clinical questions and the type of study (quasi-experimental, experimental).
  • Theoretical framework(s) and the rationale for your choice.

Week 7 Assignment 2

Submit Part 4, the Methods section, in a two- to three-page APA paper, including:

  • Study design
  • Setting/sample
  • Confidentiality
  • Procedures/intervention
  • Instruments/scales and measurement of outcomes
  • Data collection plans

Week 8 Assignment 2 – Statistical Analysis

For this assignment, you will develop Part 5 of your project proposal, focusing on the analysis of change. Include the following points:

  1. State your clinical question and briefly describe the intervention.
  2. Identify the outcomes to be analyzed and how they will be measured.
  3. Discuss the statistical analysis methods you’ll use, linking them to your data collection tools.
  4. Report on the types of demographic data for participants.
  5. Briefly explain the expected outcomes upon project implementation.
    Receive faculty feedback and revise accordingly.

Week 9 Assignment 2 – Methods Section

Continue writing your Methods section from Week 7 by adding a paragraph about stakeholders.

  1. Identify stakeholders by their job titles and their role in the project.
  2. Discuss potential barriers stakeholders may pose and provide strategies to address or prevent these obstacles.
    After faculty feedback, incorporate this paragraph into the Methods section, after the “Procedures/intervention” section.

Week 10 Assignment 2 – Evidence-Based Project Overview

Complete the final part of your evidence-based project proposal. The scholarly project should reflect APA format, demonstrate critical thinking, and show graduate-level writing skills.

Project types to choose from:

  • Educational program
  • Healthcare policy change
  • Clinical issue or protocol

Final Paper Criteria:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction (Week 2): Practice issue, aims, PICOT, and significance.
  • Evidence Review and Synthesis (Weeks 3-5): Databases searched, keeper studies, evidence synthesis.
  • Purpose of the Project (Week 6): Intervention, theoretical framework, and clinical questions.
  • Methods (Week 7): Study design, setting/sample, confidentiality, procedure/intervention, stakeholders, instruments, and data collection.
  • Data Analysis (Weeks 8-9): Expected outcomes, methods for analysis.

Oral/PowerPoint Presentation

  • Prepare and present the project summary using PowerPoint. Campus students will present orally; online students will add speaker notes and defend the presentation in a discussion board.
    Presentation criteria: professional quality and evidence of graduate-level scholarship.

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