NUR-300-H4098 The Value of Professional Liability Insurance

NUR-300-H4098 The Value of Professional Liability Insurance Essay Help

This reflection assignment allows you to review literature that discusses professional liability insurance and then to support your choice to have professional liability coverage.

1. Consider your choice to insure your nursing license with professional liability insurance.

2. Analyze your opinion of this statement: Having professional liability insurance is a nursing responsibility.

3. Articulate one myth that surrounds professional liability insurance.

4. Use scholarly references to support your decision to carry professional liability insurance.

5. Provide at least two evidence-based resources to support your statements.

Resources published within the last five years, as well as your own reflections on the topic.

  • Review the reflection guidelines and rubric
  • Review the 6-1 reflection template and use it to complete your submission.
  • Use scholarly writing.
  • Use at least two scholarly references to support your statements.
  • Use APA format for correct in-text and reference citations.
  • Your reflection should be 1-2 pages, not including the title page or references pages.
  • Complete the reflection assignment as a word document.

Review your submission, review the Turnitin score and make corrections as needed to keep your Turnitin score as low as possible (prefer below 30%). You can make multiple submissions if you need.



This article provides insight into professional liability insurance that is specific to nursing practice.


This article is an editorial piece that provides a view of professional liability insurance for a specialty area of nursing.


This article provides information about the myths and retorts for common misconceptions about professional liability insurance.


This article defines duty of care for nurses and examines the legal, ethical, and professional connections for nursing practice.


This article is part of a recurring column that SNHU’s graduate faculty member, Dr. Karen Brooks, provides in The New Mexico Nurse publication.

NUR-300-H4098 The Value of Professional Liability Insurance

My Choice to Insure Your Nursing License with Professional Liability Insurance Essay Sample

            My choice to insure my nursing license with professional liability insurance has changed significantly throughout the course. Before the course, I felt that professional liability insurance is mainly for physicians, not nurses. This belief is common among most nursing students and even nurses. Based on the information and knowledge gained throughout the course, acquiring professional liability insurance has become a top priority. I have gained an adequate understanding of why a nurse should acquire professional liability insurance. Just like the physician, a nurse faces the risk of potential litigation both in and out of their workplace. Being a frontline worker increases the risk of lawsuits (Brooks, 2019). I cannot risk losing my license or incurring losses as a nurse due to a lack of proper representation or coverage in case of a lawsuit. The record of a verdict or judgement becomes a permanent record that can be publicly accessed (O’Neill, 2021).

Having Professional Liability Insurance is a Nursing Responsibility

            I agree that having professional liability insurance is a nursing responsibility. According to the American Nurses Association, nurses are responsible for protecting themselves and their nursing careers. The association discourages nurses from making an assumption that they are covered by the employer’s liability insurance (American Nurse Association, n.d). One of the most important decisions that a nurse can make is acquiring a professional insurance claim. Nurses need to be aware of various risks, such as complaints against the board of nursing, which are not covered by employers or organizational insurance plans. In some cases, nurses are usually considered independent and may be excluded from the doctor’s coverage. Nurses are also responsible for protecting themselves, especially while providing care outside the workplace.      

            Nurses are usually at the frontline providing most aspects of hands-on care, increasing the risk of civil, regulatory, and criminal actions (O’Neill, 2021). Nurses have higher risks of being sued due to medication errors, which are common, failure to follow orders, failure to communicate, or practising out of their scope of practice. Although physicians have a higher risk of being named in a malpractice lawsuit, nurses are more likely to be investigated and disciplined by the licensing board of nurses (Brous, 2017). The verdict or judgement passed becomes a permanent record that can be publicly accessed; hence the nurse needs to be adequately represented by capable attorneys.

A Myth Surrounding Professional Liability Insurance

            Many nurses believe that they do not need professional liability insurance for various reasons, which are myths misleading nurses and posing preventable liabilities. One of the most common myths is that nurses do not need professional liability insurance since the employers have coverage (Brous, 2017). Therefore, many nurses mistakenly believe that the employer’s insurance policy adequately protects them. However, most employers’ insurance policies do not name individual employees since employers are usually the insured parties (Brous, 2017). Most policies usually protect the interests of the organizations and not the nurses. In case of a lawsuit, the interests of an organization or the employer will be prioritized. It is, therefore, crucial for a nurse to secure an insurance policy that protects them and adequately addresses their interests of the nurse.


American Nurse Association. (n.d). Personal benefits. Retrieved from

Brooks, K.L. (2019). Extension of Liability. New Mexico Nurse, 64(1), 6. journals%2Fextension-liability%2Fdocview%2F2168820905%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D3783

Brous, E. (2017). Professional liability insurance: What all nurses should know. Journal of Radiology Nursing, 36(4), 236–237.

O’Neill, S. P. (2021). Individual nurse liability insurance: Understand your options. American Nurse Journal16(5), 54–58.

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